Friday, 5 July 2013

Literature Review (Clemens)

Based on a design i noticed on the internet,

Materials needed:
-About 7 to 8 half-inch cylindrical rods made out of wood.
-2 12 inch cylindrical rods
-Zip ties
-Ping Pong Ball

A cup that a ping pong ball can fit in.

Tools that are needed (Tools are dangerous and severe injuries might occur when used wrongly.)
-Staple Gun

The modern use of catapults
It is possible to use a catapult to launch an airplane into the air, and in some cases catapults are used to throw clay pigeons into the air for target practice.

Poza (2011, March 29). Ping Pong Ball Catapult. Ping Pong Catapult. Retrieved July 5, 2013, from
Unknown. Modern Day Catapults. Physics of Catapults. Retrieved July 5,2013, from

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